So, the slave of Allah, finished his war after 3 hours of struggling. The war was not as hard as he thought, but still, without sufficient training and skills, the war would be a hard one. The war, which was in a cold weather, nevertheless did affect the slave physical and mental activity due to the coldness of the place named Chancellor Hall.
The victory that had been brought back also brought together joy to the citizens of UTP. All of the citizens kept talking about it, so did the slave. While enjoying the afternoon meal with the colleagues, the emotion was shared between them. The atmosphere was so warm in the dining hall. Maybe that would be the last time they had sat together having the meal for that particular chapter of life.
New chapter of life will start in 3 weeks and the slave is hoping to turn a new leaf and be a better person. In the new chapter, there is also war to be fought by the slave and his colleagues. A greater war, a war that will determine the way of life for the slave in his upcoming 4 years in UTP.
For the new chapter, the slave is hoping to get a new equipment. He does not want to use those vocational tools anymore. Pencils, pens, erasers, and papers may still be used. But the slave wants to have better tools.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus , a lightweight and slick tablet had been reviewed for a quite long time by the slave. The slave had investigated and make some researches on the method of using the tools. Long enough till he can make the decision to get the tablet. A tablet that will be sold in the market with the price of 1600++ gold. Yet, the price of gold is always increasing and this may decrease the selling price of the tab.
With the new equipment, the slave hopes that he can be a better person and win more wars in his life at UTP. Winning more wars means the greater life can be indulged by the slave in the future. And the slave also hopes and seeks the prayer from all the people around him to ensure his victory in whatever war he fight.
InsyAllah, with a new equipment, new hope will rose and with the new hope, new effort will be made and with new effort, greater success can be earned :)
A slave will always be a slave. Do the things asked by your master and leave the things prohibited by Him. Remember the limits and insyAllah we can be a great slave. A slave of ALLAH :)
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