As promised, I'll upload some of the wedding pictures to the blog.
Details :
Venue - Mok Nah's
Time - 12noon-3pm
Date- 1st September 2011
Taken with Nikon D5000
Bridegroom : Ridhwan
Bride : Eli
Happy Wedding dear cousins,
May Allah bless you and your wife till the end of your life :)
" Pre-wed : 'gotong-royong' activity by family and villagers
Are you 'curi tulang' Pok Teh?
My septuagenarian granny, still strong :D
waiting for the bride, pointless actually =='
First impression : NICE !
Upon arrival, everyone's happy :)
Sama Cocok Sama Padan !
the RING :O
May both of you live happily ever after...
Doa untuk Pengantin
" Ya Allah
Satukanlah hati kedua mempelai ini seperti Engkau satukan hati Adam dan Hawa, Yusuf dan Zulaikha dan seperti Engkau satukan hati Muhammad SAW dan Siti Khadijah.
Semoga Allah memberkati dan menghimpunkan kamu berdua kebaikan dan keberkatan di dunia dan akhirat “
Paan Zulkarnain
p/s : Ma, if possible, get me a wife more prettier than her :P
nice paan. gmbar no 5 kalo edit, ko fokus an black and white kat pengantin2 tu je, aku rasa lagi ngancam.
ReplyDeleteokay thanx . nnt kene tgok balik tu :)