

Speak a lot, Write a lot. The name of this simple blog, self inspired to use that name. As described in the description, this blog is based on the matter that I speak and write everyday. I speak a lot everyday, maybe exceed a normal human's speaking behaviour. My involvement in debate in the school years may cause me to act like this. My posting may bring happiness to the readers, yet there are also some readers get insulted with my post. 

Starting to blog since 2008, this blog had gone through a lot of transformation before turning out to be like this, as you seen today. If some of my dear followers did memorize, MenWithLens was introduced earlier back in the  last few years after finishing school in 2010. MenWithLens is all about camera, photography and things related to that, but because of some technical problems that I can't resist, the writing and blogging about photography just end like that, leaving the blog with some old post for a few months before I start blogging again with the new title, Speak a lot, Write a lot. 

I hope that I can continue posting my ideas, views, articles, and information in this blog. Any reviews, comments, insults and compliments can be expressed directly to me. I will be happy and appreciate those. Personally, I am not a serious person as you imagined when you reading this silly biography. Approach me closer so that you can know me better. 

For the time being, I still don't have any fan page, so, this blog is the best page that I can provide for dear fans, if there's any. Do make a request if you want me to write something that you wish to read. Thanks a lot !   

Farhan Zulkarnain :)